Monday, October 31, 2011

Getting a little Lovey Dovey 2day

so about 3-4 months ago I met this guy, granted he has kind of been in my life for my entire college career, but our paths never really crossed.  Guess timing is everything.  Anyways, he is just so amazing.  This man treats me the way women are suppose to be treated.  He makes me feel so special, wanted, loved, desired.  I have not felt like this in a long time nor have I felt so lucky to have such a person in my life.  I hope this works because I can see myself building a life with this man.  Angels looked out for me when they created you and then made it possible for our hearts to meet. 

Monday, April 11, 2011

Hey please don't wear your pajamas to class!

So I'm going to make this short and sweet.  Please don't wear your damn pajamas to class.  It looks sloppy and let's me know that you have yet to wash your ass this morning, which is disgusting!  Stop it!  I don't know what makes people think that just because it is allowed for you to walk into your college lectures with your choice of clothing, doesn't mean that it's ok.  Take your smelly ass back to your apartment or dorm room, wash up and then return to class.  Thanks.

Can I just vent today?.....

I'm in a relationship with someone who i have waited to be with my whole life.  I love her with all of my heart and soul.  I love her so much it scares me.  I've NEVER been so afraid to lose someone.  I spoke to one of my friends who told me that if there was no fear coupled with my professed love then it wouldn't be real.  If you are afraid to lose them then that's real love.

I know things are not perfect between us and I guess that's because we've always been each others oasis and then we leave and go back to our normal lives without each other.  But now she is a part of my daily life and we do annoy each other and get on each others nerves and need space and are not all smiles all of the time.  But I am not used to this routine like life with her.  I guess my fantasy of what "we" would be like is much easier and carefree than the reality of the situation.  all that being said I still love her so much and am willing to work hard to make this work.  I can see myself growing old with her and even having children, something that I never would have thought about before.

I guess now that I am graduating and starting my adult life I am afraid and feel pressured for everything to be perfect when honestly it's not going to be.  But I have to admit I miss those days when i felt like nothing else in the world mattered, but us.  And the way she used to look at me and make me blush.  I just miss the honeymoon stage and I am not sure how to handle our relationship maturing.

And she doesn't communicate with me and is always sad looking so it makes me not want to bring up the fact that I just need to feel more loved.  I know she loves me you know what I mean?  I KNOW this, but I need to feel it and I just feel like she doesn't understand that.  I don't know how to make her understand.  I'm already under so much pressure with school, work, financial, and to add my relationship into the mix really sucks.....I know she can't read my mind, but sometimes I wish she could.  When I lay with her at night and fall asleep on her heartbeat matching her heartbeat.......I'm always hoping she can feel what I need from her...........I don't think it ever happens.  She is the one.......I just want her to show me how she feels about me and not expect for me to just know.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Let's talk about my pet peeves today.  How about I just make a list.....

this is what pisses me off and irritates the fuck outta me!

  • tapping your fucking foot constantly when you are sitting next to me.  
  • smacking your damn gum in my ear and popping 30 fucking bubbles all loud like I want to hear that shit!
  • clicking your pen on the desk when I have to sit next to you and can feel and hear that or tapping your pencil too
  • biting your nails and flicking them off next to me or chipping your nail polish off throughout class.
  • not covering your mouth and coughing or sneezing all over everyone.  if you are sick stay the fuck home.  I don't want your Aids!
  • standing or sitting way too damn close to me in a line or in class where I can feel your breath...ugh!
  • expecting me to personal shop for you at old navy.  I make chump change per hour so don't expect to spend 97 cent and have me personal shop for you like this is a Beverly Hills Boutique!
  • wearing clothes that you know you cannot fit!
  • calling me 12 times in a row....if I ignored you the first time I'll ignore you again if you get ignorant!
  • over thinking my niceness.....I'm being polite no I don't want to get with you!
  • making me ask you to do something more then once....just do it bitch!
  • coming around me with body odor.....enough said.
  • being cocky about the material things you have....learn the definition of humble and shut the fuck up!
  • being overly into yourself....fuck you....everyone doesn't think you are beautiful!
  • sleeping all day.....lazy and I hate it.
  • not ironing your clothes.....wrinkles are not sexy to me
  • being fucking cheap all the damn time...I'm am not a bargain basement chick...get the fuck outta here!
  • fucking up my food order when the menu is all pictures like at fast food restaurants.
there are probably many more but that's what I got now you know, so please don't piss me off.  Thanks.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

So you took the drink out of my value meal so it looks cheaper?

I know this is probably a silly topic, but oh well I'm gonna rant about it anyway.  I understand that it is a recession and we are all looking for a cheaper way to fulfill wants and needs at a substantial quality, but fast food restaurants are pissing me off!  I am tired of fast food joints claiming that they have these new menu's with lower prices when all they have really done is taken the drink off of your meal price and made it separate, but way more expensive.  So I guess if you want a complete meal that includes a drink then you have to be a baller.  

Let's throw in a couple of examples:

  • Old Country Buffet......they used to have one price that you pay when you go in.  Something like $12.00 or so.  Now they have all of these huge signs, flyers, commercials and direct mail informing you that they now have a cheaper price for you!  You can buy an all you can eat buffet meal for $9.99 and walk around with a red cup that shows they are watching you so you only get water to dink in that cup OR you can pay $12.00 (the original price) and add their new "beverage bar".......WTF is a beverage bar?  You have done nothing to change this menu or restaurant and now you claim to have a cheap price by taking out the drink in your meal and calling it a new menu with a beverage bar.  Yea that's they way to get'em Old Country Buffet!
  • Boston everyone knows that Boston market kinda has home cooked thing going on and their meals are quite expensive for fast food, but its good so for some it's worth it.  anyways they allow you to choose whatever mean u want minus your drink for what they call a low price then if you want a drink you must pay $1.99 extra and they give you a 32 ounce cup without even asking you what size drink you want.  There is no either get water and our meal or you can add a ridiculous size drink and make your bill go back up to $10 and above.  Yea stick it to'em Boston Market!
  • Burger this example is a little different because it has nothing to do with drinks.....but it has everything to do with them acting like they have created something new and cheap for their customer....They have released a commercial talking about obtaining the best taste and a mount of food for minimum money.  They talk about it like they were on this idea forever.  Then they go one to say that they went over this idea many times and worked on it for days an nights in a laboratory.  and guess what the new item is?  Its the same fucking burger that is already on the damn menu!!  The fucking BK Stacker only now you can have it with 1,2, or 3 pieces of meat that cost $1,$2,$3......oh man that's so innovative Burger King!  BTW I have gone to Burger King twice since they have started doing this because the stacker is actually good only to find that their employees can't count from 1-3 and have no idea how any patties to put on a single stacker....I guess the word "single" is just too complicated.
  • And Taco Bell......please stop having days like 88 cent burrito day or anything like that.  the damn Burrito only cost 99 cent to begin with!.....Save it taco bell.....your whole menu is under one dollar.  How will you sustain if you sell everything for a couple cents?  Guess you guys save money using fake meat and fillers. 
So in conclusion....people are not as stupid as you think fast food company's.....You are creating new things or making your food any more of a value for us, but thanks for trying I guess.

Monday, March 21, 2011

I guess handicapped people get no love huh?

So let's talk about my day the other day.....I went out with two other friends of mines....We had a fun day.  We went to Gap and Banana Republic, Bath and Body Works, Walmart.....ya know just a girls shopping day.  One of our stops was Forever 21.....we picked out clothes for each other to try on and some were cute, some were awful, but the point was to have fun, not be uptight and serious.  Anyways we asked for rooms near each other so that we could judge each others look.....and by the way the fitting room attendant had a horrendous attitude about this request....I mean I guess that $6 bucks an hour she makes was just not enough for her to have to deal with us asking for a room nearby each other....but moving on......she puts us in three rooms at the end of the fitting room.  One room happened to be a fitting room marked handicap.  There would be absolutely nothing wrong with that except for the design of the room was atrocious.  We are not handicapped, but if we were, Forever 21 would get a gold star for being the worst store for accommodating disabled customers.  

Let me describe the room for you.....
a bench to sit down stuck to a dirty brick wall, accented with one dim light bulb.  Enough space to fit a wheel chair, but here is the mirror!!!  all of the other rooms had mirrors and better lighting.  So Forever 21 is telling me that if you are handicapped, the room we have designated for you is one at the very end of the fitting room so you must travel far, then you must try on your items damn near in the dark....(mind you there are no railings or handles for those who are confined to a wheelchair) and then after you try on your items which will definitely be a work out considering there is no rails or lights you must travel to the main hallway and look at the community mirror to see if you like the item since there is no mirror in your room.  GOOD JOB Forever 21 you guys really know how to treat your customers!!!!!  PS.  you guys are assholes all the way around.  Thanx

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Can we skip ANY contact with your parents please? THANKS

It's made into a parody everyday.  You see it on TV and you laugh, but the people who don't laugh are the ones actually going through it.  I'm talking about being in a relationship with someone you love, but having to deal with their parents who hate you and treat you like shit.  Somehow parents have this thing where they think that even when you are well into your adult years that it is okay for them to continue to dictate your life and the people you choose to surround yourself with.  And the sad thing to me is that most people go along with it and think that it is ok.  I get that you want to respect your parents, but to allow them to control you for the rest of your life is insane and really shows the lack of maturity you have considering you can't stand up for yourself or are capable of making your own decisions.

Ok sorry had to vent about that, but here is my real problem......

If I am dating you and have been involved with you for years then you should know me as a person.  And if i am dating you then I should hold some type of importance in your life.  If you have any ounce of love and respect for me at all then you should be ready and willing to protect my honor......right?  then why in the fuck would you allow your parents to CONSISTENTLY disrespect me?  There is NOTHING that is okay about that and frankly i don't have to take that shit from your parents considering they don't even know me.  If I am good to you and I support you then why in the fuck would it not be important for you to address this to your parents?  I would NEVER let my parents disrespect my friends or my love.  It has nothing to do with my respect for my parents, but it has EVERYTHING to do with the general respect you should have for people, especially ones you don't know.  When you allow your parents to disrespect your partner then you are saying that you yourself don't respect your partner and if you are not willing to change that then you are a sad case.  It makes all the years of love, support and companionship seem in vain.

Why is it ok to make me feel like that?  Especially while you walk around like everything is cool, chit chatting with  your parents like there is not an elephant in the room that needs to be addressed?  I am not always right, but I know I'm not wrong on this one.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I know I F#$Ked up, but will you marry me now?

So I'm going to make this short.  i was in a relationship for 2 years with someone who put me through hell.  i am now in a new relationship with someone that I can honestly say i hope I am with for the rest of my life.  I have known her for 10 years and my love for her is undeniable and limitless.

My question for the day is what makes your ex lovers feel that they can hurt you and be a complete dick and turn around and present a ring to you like that makes it all better.  I literally have an ex who i have not been cool with for a year asking me to marry her because now she is ready.........fuck you dude!  Now you are ready after you had me looking like boo boo the fool for 2 years while you went all around town being an ass, sleeping with whoever, living in my house, not contributing to shyt.  Now all of a sudden you are ready.  now that i made it possible for you to stand on your own two feet.

I'm over it.  Just wanted to vent today guys............

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Ebonics is the black dialect....beware you may be offended

I have taken courses at Michigan State University and have had to use books that peg Ebonics as the black dialect.  It makes me so upset that in 2011 my people are still looked at as ignorant in such a manner that society has pegged Ebonics.....BROKEN ENGLISH as the black dialect!  How demeaning!  I pay 25k a year to attend a big 10 university, one where i was accepted just the same as my white or non-African-American counterparts.  And to make matters worse if you google Ebonics every definition says the same's a "slave language."  Sadly, I think Ebonics is a term for a slang language.  EVERY RACE uses slang!!!  It is NOT an ignorant black language, but slang terminology that any and every culture uses at some point.  America please stop stereotyping black people as ignorant!  All of us are not!!!  

Also I have an article that i have posted before that i found interesting that kind of relates to if you like.

The New Racism- The progress of Blacks in America is marginal and involves a relatively small and limited number of celebrities, usually in the genre of sports and entertainment, and a shrinking Black middle class that owes it's sustenance and survival to the adoption of Western/Caucasian values and detachment, denial and indifference to the vast ocean of Black suffering in the world. This paradigm gives many the delusion of Black advancement. They remember when black were legally segregated in many areas of American life and they think that a limited social integration is synonymous with progress.

Moreover, the illusion of an America that has somehow redeemed itself of it's racist tendencies acts as a blinder to the reality of racism that is hiding in plain sight. This deception is accomplished because many mistakenly assume that racism consist solely of hostile biases and prejudices held by one group against another although this view does have elements of truth, it does not explain what racism is at its core. Racism is a group-based contest or struggle in which one group competes to control wealth and valuable resources at the expense of another group.

The primary reason millions of Blacks were kidnapped from Africa and forced to labor uncompensated for centuries was not because they had different racial or physical characteristics, but because they were idealized as the perfect human cargo to build wealth and power through mental acuity as well as physical prowess.

With the advent of the industrial revolution and the creation of larger and more sophisticated machines, it was determined that they were no longer needed to perform the back-breaking work they had done for centuries. Thus, the institution of chattel slavery was cast aside with great congratulation and fanfare, and replaced with a new form of exploitive servitude in the south- mining and sharecropping- and industrialized system of oppression in the north that consisted of mills and factories. This the economic exploitation of Blacks continued under a new guise along with social marginalization. In fact, economic and social status have long served as a gauge to determine the true condition of Blacks in America. And this standard is as relevant today as it ever was.

Recently the Urban League released its annual report about the state of Blacks in America and the statistics reveal a devastating picture of Black poverty, unemployment, lack of health care, crime and incarceration rates, in virtually every area and category of life in America, Black (as a group) are meandering at the bottom of the barrel. This is no accident. The solution is to rely on our own skill, talent, and God-given resources. To, in effect cast down our buckets where we are and to cast aside the old habit of asking others what we could and should be doing for ourselves.

BY STEVEN MALIK SHELTON (Human Rights Advocate)

Thirsty Skanks

Question:  How do you respond to a "bestfriend" that oversteps his/her boundaries with your boy/girlfriend?

This is a question that runs through my mind a lot because i have had to deal with it.  I hate when you are in a relationship with someone and their friends do not know their place.  I understand that friendships are important, but once your friend gets in a relationship  you MUST RESPECT that!  That means stop the flirty chatting, stop with so many "I love you's", stop the late night after hour calling....It's disrespectful.  And stop trying to make it seem like the GIRLFRIEND is being irrational because she is not going to stand for you being disrespectful to her or the relationship!  Stop being a SKANK and be a friend, which is what you claim to be anyways.  I'd even feel better if you just came out and said i want to fuck your girlfriend and that is why i act the way I do.  At least you'd be honest about the sh*t.  I mean, I'd still kick your ass, but I'd respect your honesty.  All I'm saying is people if you are a friend then know your place.  The girlfriend/boyfriend comes FIRST and trying to come between that is selfish, whorish, ignorant, and asinine, so please have a seat and think before you might also want to try going out on a date because obviously the person you want is TAKEN.

People always want what they can't have, but BITCH have some class......No, SERIOUSLY.....have some class!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Um yea so let's get over the 3D movies dude

So I was watching TV today and a commercial came on advertising for a new movie that was coming looked so cool....then it said "COMING SOON IN 3D".......WTF!!!  Why does everything all of a sudden have to be in 3D?  I hate wearing those stupid, uncomfortable glasses and having to pay $2 more to see a movie that is only in quality 3D if you are sitting in the first 3 rows!  Please stop the madness and make movies like they used to in regular ass 2D.  Thanx

Monday, January 31, 2011

Pregnancy is sooooo cool! Why would I get an education?

So I know this is going to piss a bunch of people off, but hey that is what I am here for!  I am so fucking sick of girls in high school or in college getting pregnant and walking around like the shyt is cool!  You have just ruined your life!!!!  Hello!!!  Does anybody hear me out there?  Babies are not accessories and it is not cute to be 17/18 and missing out on your college experience and chance for a better life because you couldn't keep your legs closed long enough to watch a 30-sec commercial!  And for those of you who are already in is hard enough trying to work and get an education to one day make something of yourself, why go and add a baby to the mix?  Now the university will not be liable for you and your baby so you have to move back home with your parents or parent, hope that they will help to take care of you and your child or you are just stuck most of you with some dude who promised you the world and 5 min later called you and hoe and said that is not his seed.  Kudos for those of you who actually get through this and survive against the odds, but for the rest of you honestly I feel very little sympathy.  

Women quit allowing these men to sweet talk you out of your clothes.   I know it's hard when you feel lonely and the pressures of mass media making you feel very unpretty, but in the same token you are worth so much more than 10 min with some man who probably has no fucking clue what he is doing.  If he were a real man than he would show you love beyond the physical and help you to understand that love and care is something that needs to be fulfilled mentally and emotionally.  The physical part actually comes last.  

Also women quit posting preggo pics of yourself on these websites like you are just so proud of what you have done.  And stop getting upset when people are not happy for you.  They are probably sad for you like they should be.  Be the WOMAN you profess to be.  Don't be the child who is lost, uneducated, pregnant and not living to their full potential because you made a life altering mistake.  Be smart and know that what is really COOL is having an education, making it possible for yourself to start a career and at that point start a family that you will be able to support and provide for. 

Why are we as women and dare I say it BLACK women so consumed with the idea of having a man and being a "baby mama" that we don't care who we give our bodies to nor who we trust with our hearts?  I know society has beat you down and the very men who you birthed into this world treat you like you are less than, but you are a beautiful woman and you need to show the world that we are more than hips and thighs and loud mouth, angry, women, not worth a superior equal.  You are worth it.....WORK ON YOU then find HIM.....he is out just need to recognize what is important first and that is you, your education and career.  The rest will fall into place.....Don't rush it.  If you are a success then you will attract that type of person.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Profs that have a thick accent

So as I sit in class daily I am irritated by the fact that such an accredited university can hire so many international professors and not require them to  master the English language before allowing them to teach PAYING American students!!!!  WTF!!!  So I have to come into my $1700 class everyday and wreck my brain trying to decipher what the fuck is being said to me.  And to make things more frustrating each powerpoint or written document that is given to me is typed exactly like the prof speaks so it is also very annoying!!!  Here we are in a recession and I am spending my hard earned money on top of drowning in debt to receive this top notch education and get a good job and all you have to do to become a university professor is totally fuck up the English language, meaning barely coming close and be a certified teacher from some whacked out country or town that no one even knows about.  UGH!!!!  and if this blog was too much for you.........don't read my fucking blogs!!!!