Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Can we skip ANY contact with your parents please? THANKS

It's made into a parody everyday.  You see it on TV and you laugh, but the people who don't laugh are the ones actually going through it.  I'm talking about being in a relationship with someone you love, but having to deal with their parents who hate you and treat you like shit.  Somehow parents have this thing where they think that even when you are well into your adult years that it is okay for them to continue to dictate your life and the people you choose to surround yourself with.  And the sad thing to me is that most people go along with it and think that it is ok.  I get that you want to respect your parents, but to allow them to control you for the rest of your life is insane and really shows the lack of maturity you have considering you can't stand up for yourself or are capable of making your own decisions.

Ok sorry had to vent about that, but here is my real problem......

If I am dating you and have been involved with you for years then you should know me as a person.  And if i am dating you then I should hold some type of importance in your life.  If you have any ounce of love and respect for me at all then you should be ready and willing to protect my honor......right?  then why in the fuck would you allow your parents to CONSISTENTLY disrespect me?  There is NOTHING that is okay about that and frankly i don't have to take that shit from your parents considering they don't even know me.  If I am good to you and I support you then why in the fuck would it not be important for you to address this to your parents?  I would NEVER let my parents disrespect my friends or my love.  It has nothing to do with my respect for my parents, but it has EVERYTHING to do with the general respect you should have for people, especially ones you don't know.  When you allow your parents to disrespect your partner then you are saying that you yourself don't respect your partner and if you are not willing to change that then you are a sad case.  It makes all the years of love, support and companionship seem in vain.

Why is it ok to make me feel like that?  Especially while you walk around like everything is cool, chit chatting with  your parents like there is not an elephant in the room that needs to be addressed?  I am not always right, but I know I'm not wrong on this one.