Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blind Customers

So I work at Old Navy and unfortunately I work in a location that is inside the mall.  Our store opens 30 min before the mall.......why?  because customers can't wait the additional 30 min until the rest of the mall is open...they'd rather walk through a pitch black mall and stand at the gate looking in and continuously asking "when do you open?" as they look at the hours posted on the damn door.  In addition to that stupidity, once we do open the gate, turn the lights on and music starts blasting of course that means we are open......YET customers come inside, grab shopping bags, and get half way through the store just to ask AGAIN "are you guys open?".......UGH!!!  Please get the fuck out of my store is what i want to say at that point besides who the fuck waits at the mall at 9am to make a return....or shop for that matter?.......Do you really need a long sleeve tee that damn bad? 

So the moral of this storey is.....Dear blind as a bat customer....READ the sings and don't ask me stupid questions or I will be forced to tell you off.  Thanx!