Thursday, December 16, 2010

Customers reckless ass mouths

So as we all know I work in retail.  I know that it is the holiday and I'm going to have to deal with attitudes when something doesn't ring up as a customer thinks it should or people can't make a return when they think they should be able to, but these damn customers are just ridiculous and frankly their reckless ass mouths make me want to slap the dog shyt out of them!

To make my point let me give you an example....Today I'm ringing a lady up and she brings me a bag of old clothes telling me they were a gift and that she wants to exchange them for new items.  I ask her if she had a receipt and she said no.  I then explained to her that we cannot do returns OR exchanges without receipts and that it is policy.  She then pulls out a receipt and begins telling me how she forgot that when she paid for it that she put the receipt in her purse......PAUSE.....why did you just tell me they were a gift and the person who gave it to you didn't give you a receipt when all along you knew that was a lie and you paid for them yourself?  Ugh!!!  anyways moving on.....then I scan the receipt and it's way past the 90 days that you have to return items so we are back at square one....long story short all i could do for her was a gift certificate in the mail for the items at whatever price they rang up for today which was a grand total of $8.94.......well of course she was pissed and felt the need to yell at me and tell her friend who was next to her very loudly might i add that she was gonna finish buying her things today and never shop here again!

I hate when people say that so damn loud like they are trying to hurt my feelings!!!  I don't give a fuck if you ever shop here again and as a matter of fact how about I'm glad I won't have to see your stupid ass ever again!!!  Whether you come back or not my paycheck still comes on the same day every other week so please take your shyt and your reckless ass mouth and get the fuck outta my store......Thanks and have a good day!!!! 

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Taking sexy pics on the toilet....WHY WHY WHY?

How come every time I get in the internet I see a photograph of some celeb or random woman with both professional or amateur pictures of her in some provocative pose on some toilet or urinal or sink or whatever.  WTF?  Where have I been that I didn't notice that public restrooms had become the sexiest place on earth?  How about that just screams STD.....Ugh!  So gross!!!  

These girls are out here in panties and bras with their legs sprawled all apart laid across bathroom fixtures with bedroom eyes.......please stop the about we try to take a tasteful sexy pic, one that doesn't require toilet tissue and hand sanitizer at the end.  Thanks.

Now that's it's on the clearance rack you can fit into it?

So I see this weekly at my job.....some girl comes in looking for some good deals.....she hits the clearance rack......NORMALLY she is a full-figured size since many of the size 2 garments are only 97 cents then all of a sudden you can "make this work."  WTF is up with that?  Now here you are in the mirror strutting your stuff like you have on some fabulous, well put together motif when really you are busting out of every seam.  

Don't get me wrong.....there is nothing I love more than a thick voluptuous woman, but one that knows her body and knows what looks good on her without looking trashy.  Even skinny chicks can be trashy and look a hot mess, but why must we even go there with ourselves?  Be conscious of what you look like ladies.....Just because it is on sale does not mean it is for you.  Avoid thrifty spells overpowering your common sense.  You know your body and you know that you need to wear the size that flatters your shape, not squeeze into some size 2 ass outfit stepping out like you are Beyonce or some shyt.  Be Flyy and flattering, not cheap and skanky.  Thanks.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Why in the F@%k are you talking to me?

So today I would like to talk about something that happened to me.  I was in the mall walking back to my job as my break was nearing the end and I see these 2 girls that I used to be very close friends with, but now have not been friends with them for the past 2 years.  They see me and they say "Ohhh Hi, how have you been?" in the most rude sarcastic way as if I must have been doing poorly considering i no longer have their friendship.  

First off, why are you even speaking to me?  i don't like you anymore for a perfectly legitimate reason and we have not been cool for a very long time.  i am doing just fine without you, in fact, I'm much better off without fake people in life.  If I don't like you and we are not friends any longer wtf would make you think that it was a good idea to speak to me at all?  I don't care if you thought you were being polite (totally not the case, but
just saying).  

If i have chosen not to have a certain person or persons as staple people in my life then there is no need for me to even acknowledge your ass.  Especially these two trolls that i saw today.  Our friendship ended very badly and even if they were the last two trollips on earth I'd still keep moving and live the rest of my days out alone.

The point I am trying to make here is this.....if you are not friends with someone and you no longer concern yourself with them for any reason good or bad what would be the need to speak?  How about I ignore you and continue my day as i have been doing for the past 2 years ya know?  and then don't speak to me in a rude tone as if you were trying to genuinely say hello when you were most definitely trying to be the same high school mentality bitches that I once knew.

So yea let me get back to work, finish up my second degree while you take your terribly obese, whore on a stick ass on somewhere with that baby stroller you got rolling around because you couldn't keep your legs closed long enough to finish school and start your career.  Keep your comments to yourself and if you ever see me again.....look the other way because bitch I don't want to hear it.  Anything either of you or anyone else I am not cool with for that matter has to say is irrelevant and annoying so move on.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Get outta here with these ignorant questions!

So I'm a girl who LOVES girls!!!   Let's just put that out there!  I hate when people ask me the dumbest questions about my sexuality.  Stop asking me when did I become gay? Or say shyt like you are too pretty to be gay!  How stupid do you sound?  First off I did not just wake up one morning like oh yea I think I want to be gay today!  NO!!!  I was always this way.....I realized it when i was 14 and from then on it has been a journey of discovering who I am for myself.  And what is this you are too pretty to be gay shyt?  What the fuck does gay look like?  I guess it's some flaming hot male with a boa or a butch ass female with a buzz cut riding a damn doesn't have a probably sit next to gay people everyday and don't even know it.  And why are people so concerned with attacking someone's sexuality like I'm disgusting for being in love with a female, but you are a heterosexual whore, selling your pussy on the street for $25 a pop, still being considered a saint.  Get the fuck outta here!!!  and why is it that I have to be looked at like a fucking science project with this 20 questions game everytime someone finds out that I am a lesbian? 

First off how about you mind your fucking business and let me live my life.  Don't judge what i do without assessing the whole picture..and honestly even then it's none of your fucking business but since you are so damn nosey here goes a small expalnation....I have been in plenty hetero relationships and it just was not for me.  I have never been so degraded and treated so badly as I have by men.  Men treat you like objects and honestly it's been my experience that black men especially are so busy treating black women like "a piece" versus trying to establish a functional healthy relationship.  Lazy men are looking for women to be a servant and  I am not interested in that.  I have 2 degrees and my own shyt.  I want to be in a relationship with someone who is comparable not someone who is a lazy disgrace with a cute face and low grade sex......there is more to life than that.  women in general treat me better and I have had much healthier relationships with them plus the sex is beyond on point **SNAPS**

but like I said don't ask me stupid shyt!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bitch gave me an unncessary attitude!

So while I'm on a venting marathon let's talk about my job.  i work at Old Navy and have been working there for quite sometime.  i am ONLY working there because it is flexible and it is what I can do while I am still in school full-time finishing my 2nd degree.  Anyways every damn day i work i get some ignorant customer yelling at me or giving me attitude when they want something that i cannot do due to policy or because it's just a down right stupid request. 

For example....When you purchase something and it is on sale, of course you are only going to pay the sale price versus the price on the tag.  Please do not come to my line like this woman did a few days ago......allow me to do a return for you, get your receipt and then tell me that these clothes cost you more than that and that I owe you more money.  First off the more you get loud with me the less patience I have to deal with you, secondly the computer system keeps track of your purchases and payments and would NEVER refund you less than what you paid, not only that i am looking at your receipt showing you that they were on sale.  And still you continue to try and embarrass me with your loud ass mouth trying to fight a losing battle about me being wrong. 

now let me breathe before I go hard on this situation.........First off bitch I'm no damn fool and I am not gonna let you pull one over on me just because you are getting loud.  I am not phased by that.  I worked in retail for 8 years and I know better than most that yelling does nothing, but make you look stupid.  On top of that, you are being so obnoxious that you can't be quiet for one second for me to explain why you received that amount back.  Don't ask me why something is they way it is and then don't even allow me to respond.  Either way i am not giving you money for no reason so lower your voice and get the fuck out of my store you mathematically challenged bitch and climb back into the trashy hole you came from.  and save the ignorant comments too...."I'm never coming back to Old Navy!"  "You guys are so rude!"  "You guys are stupid!"  yea mama keep talking shyt....I'll still be here tomorrow and my check will be in the bank on Wednesday regardless of your little performance and BTW I hope you never come back to Old Navy because my day will move a lot smoother.

For all those who work in retail.......let's have a moment of silence for the assholes that we would like to slap the shyt out of daily!!! 

ps.  I'm an expert at customer service!!!!  No joke!!!!  Funny how a pay check can make you change your attitude for 8 hrs a day! 

What the f@#K is going on with my appointment?

So I call the dentist office today and try to make an appointment.  They are Closed the entire fucking week that i am available to come there especially considering I live 2 hours away and my stupid ass insurance forces me to go there.  Anyways...How the hell are you closed for an entire week and you are a fucking dentist?  Do you not think that people will need this type of service during that time?  You are comparable to a Doctor's office so what the fuck is up with that?  Then I hate how the fucking receptionist is so not concerned about anything that is happening with you and your pain or situation.  It is Dec 1st and I had to make an appointment for Dec 30th!!!!  I am in pain now!  So why can't you fit me in before that?  SO damn dumb.  And what pisses me off even more is that when the receptionist senses your frustration she starts to become world's biggest dick and has an attitude like she just doesn't have the time to deal with this.....bitch are you serious?  a trip to this fucking office is at least $100 so don't you dare catch that fucking attitude with me.  take your Devry University degree and do your fucking job bitch!  I had to endure 4 years at the least for my degree while you are copping an attitude with me after you sat in class for 3 months for this damn desk job.....UGH!!!! 

And it's the same at the doctors office but slightly different situation.  You go in for your appointment at 10am.....if you are even 5 min late they want you to fucking reschedule no matter what it took for you to get there no matter what your illness or problem is......then if you do get there on time then these fuckers put you in a room for 2 hours before they even see you.  So not only was i on time, but now I have wasted 2 hours because you are allowed to take your fucking time.  And why do doctors schedule 8 fucking 10am appointments?  You are only one person and you cannot be in 8 rooms at once.  How much longer do you need to go to med school to understand that?...........UGH!!  EVERYTHING EVERYDAY PISSES ME OFF!!!!

Hang up the Damn Phone!!!

So I love talking on the phone and honestly it is the easiest way for you to find me if you need to get in touch, but what i hate the most is when the conversation is over you still keep fucking talking.  Why are you doing this?  I said GOODBYE 20 min ago and you are still rattling on....don't you know that the end of the conversation que is Goodbye?  Have mercy!  Who on this earth does not know that?  Anyways By now I've said bye like ten times so i just hang up on you......and wait......I'm sure you know what happens next......YOU CALL ME BACK.......MAD!!!  Why are you mad?  I told you bye!!  Ugh!!!  people really piss me off.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blind Customers

So I work at Old Navy and unfortunately I work in a location that is inside the mall.  Our store opens 30 min before the mall.......why?  because customers can't wait the additional 30 min until the rest of the mall is open...they'd rather walk through a pitch black mall and stand at the gate looking in and continuously asking "when do you open?" as they look at the hours posted on the damn door.  In addition to that stupidity, once we do open the gate, turn the lights on and music starts blasting of course that means we are open......YET customers come inside, grab shopping bags, and get half way through the store just to ask AGAIN "are you guys open?".......UGH!!!  Please get the fuck out of my store is what i want to say at that point besides who the fuck waits at the mall at 9am to make a return....or shop for that matter?.......Do you really need a long sleeve tee that damn bad? 

So the moral of this storey is.....Dear blind as a bat customer....READ the sings and don't ask me stupid questions or I will be forced to tell you off.  Thanx!