Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bitch gave me an unncessary attitude!

So while I'm on a venting marathon let's talk about my job.  i work at Old Navy and have been working there for quite sometime.  i am ONLY working there because it is flexible and it is what I can do while I am still in school full-time finishing my 2nd degree.  Anyways every damn day i work i get some ignorant customer yelling at me or giving me attitude when they want something that i cannot do due to policy or because it's just a down right stupid request. 

For example....When you purchase something and it is on sale, of course you are only going to pay the sale price versus the price on the tag.  Please do not come to my line like this woman did a few days ago......allow me to do a return for you, get your receipt and then tell me that these clothes cost you more than that and that I owe you more money.  First off the more you get loud with me the less patience I have to deal with you, secondly the computer system keeps track of your purchases and payments and would NEVER refund you less than what you paid, not only that i am looking at your receipt showing you that they were on sale.  And still you continue to try and embarrass me with your loud ass mouth trying to fight a losing battle about me being wrong. 

now let me breathe before I go hard on this situation.........First off bitch I'm no damn fool and I am not gonna let you pull one over on me just because you are getting loud.  I am not phased by that.  I worked in retail for 8 years and I know better than most that yelling does nothing, but make you look stupid.  On top of that, you are being so obnoxious that you can't be quiet for one second for me to explain why you received that amount back.  Don't ask me why something is they way it is and then don't even allow me to respond.  Either way i am not giving you money for no reason so lower your voice and get the fuck out of my store you mathematically challenged bitch and climb back into the trashy hole you came from.  and save the ignorant comments too...."I'm never coming back to Old Navy!"  "You guys are so rude!"  "You guys are stupid!"  yea mama keep talking shyt....I'll still be here tomorrow and my check will be in the bank on Wednesday regardless of your little performance and BTW I hope you never come back to Old Navy because my day will move a lot smoother.

For all those who work in retail.......let's have a moment of silence for the assholes that we would like to slap the shyt out of daily!!! 

ps.  I'm an expert at customer service!!!!  No joke!!!!  Funny how a pay check can make you change your attitude for 8 hrs a day! 

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