Monday, March 21, 2011

I guess handicapped people get no love huh?

So let's talk about my day the other day.....I went out with two other friends of mines....We had a fun day.  We went to Gap and Banana Republic, Bath and Body Works, Walmart.....ya know just a girls shopping day.  One of our stops was Forever 21.....we picked out clothes for each other to try on and some were cute, some were awful, but the point was to have fun, not be uptight and serious.  Anyways we asked for rooms near each other so that we could judge each others look.....and by the way the fitting room attendant had a horrendous attitude about this request....I mean I guess that $6 bucks an hour she makes was just not enough for her to have to deal with us asking for a room nearby each other....but moving on......she puts us in three rooms at the end of the fitting room.  One room happened to be a fitting room marked handicap.  There would be absolutely nothing wrong with that except for the design of the room was atrocious.  We are not handicapped, but if we were, Forever 21 would get a gold star for being the worst store for accommodating disabled customers.  

Let me describe the room for you.....
a bench to sit down stuck to a dirty brick wall, accented with one dim light bulb.  Enough space to fit a wheel chair, but here is the mirror!!!  all of the other rooms had mirrors and better lighting.  So Forever 21 is telling me that if you are handicapped, the room we have designated for you is one at the very end of the fitting room so you must travel far, then you must try on your items damn near in the dark....(mind you there are no railings or handles for those who are confined to a wheelchair) and then after you try on your items which will definitely be a work out considering there is no rails or lights you must travel to the main hallway and look at the community mirror to see if you like the item since there is no mirror in your room.  GOOD JOB Forever 21 you guys really know how to treat your customers!!!!!  PS.  you guys are assholes all the way around.  Thanx

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